As a solo attorney, customer service is an area of your business that can set you apart. It's really true of any business, but it's something you can definitely do better than the guy with all the billboards. From the first phone call, to the way you communicate with the client about their case, every interaction says something about who you are and how you will be talked about to others.
You can put money and time into a marketing campaign designed to drive traffic to your website and ultimately result in a phone call. But, if the person you have answering the phone is unfriendly or even just bored, the first impression of your company just took a hit. If you’re not available to do some damage control, they won’t be calling back. Marketing bucks wasted. Take a minute to consider your processes and look for areas to improve that customer experience. A focus on improving this area of your business will lead to more clients and more referrals, so it's worth your effort. It’ll pay compounded interest. A recent change with Google Adwords has them leaning left. The ads that usually line the right side of desktop searches have disappeared. Now the top 4 or so spots at the top will be ads and usually some at the bottom. What can we learn? #1 - Google Knows How To Make MoneyGoogle makes the vast majority of their money from Google Adwords. They just made it harder for those companies who were unwilling or unable to bid on traffic in the top couple of spots. Prices will move up for those top spots as the competition for eye balls just got a lot more fierce. Google will make more money from this strategy. They've tested this out and have the best analytics on the planet. Money tree firmly planted. #2 - Getting Found Just Got HarderSome of my clients had found a sweet spot on that right side. Lower costs and more committed buyers because they were reading ads and not just going for the top 1 or 2. The strategy must change. Most people don't scroll to the bottom or click next page. #3 - Diversify Your ChannelsIf you're one source of new leads was Google Adwords, life just got more expensive. You have to diversify and have multiple channels where people can come into your audience. There will always be one channel that is the most effective for you. That's just the way it is. But, you must have a strategy for more than one, so that your future is not tied up in a change that is out of your control. - Josh Langford
Are you a solo or small firm attorney? Do you feel like a circus performer? You know, always juggling the many roles and tasks you need to handle to make your business work. Marketing often gets dropped. Or maybe you say "yes" to that phone book salesman who keeps calling every week. "Ok, fine, I'll put a small ad in your phone book. Argh.", you finally say. That's what the old school guys recommend, so why not give it a try. Uh, because you don't use a phone book. You use Google, or Facebook, or ask for recommendations, if you're looking for a local service provider of anything. "But, that's a black hole of ever changing changes and I don't have time to keep up with that.", says your inner self who knows best. So, here's a little help. Instead of thinking about the 3 ring circus and all you need to handle, focus on one thing this week. Take one small step. Focus this week on asking everyone who calls you for their email address. Put them in 2 buckets. People interested in your services and people that are your clients. A spreadsheet is a good way to start. For the people interested, make a habit of checking in once a week to ask if they have any questions, or offer a tip, or just say that you were thinking about them. It's called the start of relationship building. For folks that are already your clients, follow up after your work is done to ask for a review of your services and feedback on anything you could change to make it better. If it's a great review, follow it up with a link to Google reviews so they can quickly post that online. If there's room for improvement, integrate that improvement into your process. Now, one less ball to juggle. Process in place. - Josh Langford
"Well we're movin on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up To the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie." Remembering some Jeffersons from back in the day. My little piece up in the sky (cloud) just turned 5 years old. Website Movement turns 5 today. It's really the continuation of my first marketing agency which began over 10 years ago. With this celebration, comes some package changes and movement into a coaching role where I hope to help more people. People just like you. - Josh Langford
BlogIdeas to make your marketing profitable and help you attract your ideal clients.
April 2016
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